Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A New Home Sweet Home

Saturday May 12
Kriss and Ed came to visit Grandpa Jim while Mike and Roxanne were out of town for a few days.  Grandpa has so enjoyed the loving care that everyone has given him.  Roxanne has spoiled him.  But he is alone much of the days and has been lonely since Grandma has "gone on ahead to get their new home ready."   So Kriss talked to him and he agreed that if he was strong and healthy enough that if he was ever going to live in a Senior Independent or assisted living situation now would be the time to do it.   They visited a few with one having bedroom "as big as a ballroom" coming from the man who has just lived the last 18 months in a 12 by 14 square foot room.

But then they visited a center just over a mile from Jimae's home. 

Atria is best known for their Chef who cooks from 7:00 in the morning straight through until 7:00 in the evening.  Grandpa's mouth began to water after what he has had to eat the past year.  They visited a few rooms, one was a model room to show you what it could look like.  He wanted that room, but they only charge an extra $10,000 to have it furnished, so we decided we would do it ourselves.  Now remember this is from a man that he and his wife divided and deeded most of their earthly belongings to children, grandchildren and strangers over five years ago when they began living with children.  They didn't even have a fork or a dishcloth.  Now we have one week to furnish a living room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom.  Dad was a bit nervous and decided that he wanted it all to be a surprise and would leave it all up to the children to choose everything.   He wanted everything to be new and light colored and look like a new model home to start this new, no matter how short chapter in his life.  We told him if he doesn't like it he can move out at any time.  What courage this all takes at almost 89 years old.  

Jimae, Kriss and Pam all met at RC Willey and found the perfect small strong masculine light colored chairs with an ottoman and then we were off and running trying to match the rest of the needs to those colors.  Mike just happened to call Kriss and she announced the news that Mike and Roxanne would be losing their houseguest.  Roxanne was going to be so sad to see him leave so soon.  I want to thank Mike and Roxanne, especially Roxanne, for the wonderful home that  they opened their doors to Grandpa and he absolutely loved being there with both of them.  Then Jimae and Kriss both left town leaving the charge card with Pam to "shop 'til she dropped."

Saturday, May 19. Mike, Mark, and Dan arrived with trucks full of items that had to be assembled from Tim's donated electric bed, to new TV cabinets and bookshelves they picked up from IKEA.  Mike brought everything from his house that Grandpa has been using the past two months. Roxanne, Ashley, and Mike Jr helped move all of that in and get it unpacked and on shelves and drawers.

Lauren, Rick, and Spencer helped unload an Explorer full of towels, bedding, pillows, frames, silverware, soaps, dishes, hangers, hampers, storage bins, and all kinds of accessories of many different colors and styles from many different stores so that Pam and Jimae could decide what looked best when it was all put together. Laura, Rachel and Brandy were making plaques and a matching magnet board. Furniture finally arrived at 4:00.      Jimae and Pam arrived after a full day of Craftapolooza  to finish what Uncle Mike called "the woman's touch" and we only had one hour until Grandpa was showing up to see his new home.

Grandpa was very nervous when he entered the building Saturday evening.    We took him up to his new apartment.  There is a ledge on the wall just by the door where we had four pictures placed so other residents know who lives there.  There is one of Grandpa and Grandma at the ranch.  He sweetly smiled at her and tears came to his eyes.  Then we opened the door and upon entering he was warmed by what we had been able to do with this small "cosy" space in just one day.  We gave him a quick tour of where things were, explaining that we have a few more pictures for two of the blank walls that we will get up this week.    He sat down on his new electric recliner that literally pushes him up out of the seat.  Then that look of a deer in the headlights as he  teary eyed thought we were just going to quickly desert him there alone, saying that he hasn't been alone at night without Grandma or one of his children or grandchildren for many many years.  

Dan, Jimae, and I assured him we weren't rushing off quite yet and took  him downstairs to the dining room, making it down just minutes before they closed. Dan and Grandpa got the last two pork chops with dressing of the day. Jimae then left, and Dan and I went back up to hang the last of the pictures on the walls.  At the door he stopped a moment before going through the door, this time lightly touching the picture of Grandma, and said something quietly to her.  It was a sweet connecting of their past-- and  going to take a touch of her with him as he enters his new future.  

After the last nail was pounded in and pictures hung,  Grandpa asked that Dan and I have a prayer and a dedication of his new home with him before we left.  He prayed for peace and love to be within the walls of his new home, and that where-ever Mom is and whatever she is doing that at times she might be there close to him.     Upon saying Amen, he gained the strength he was praying for.  He smiled and seemed more at ease.  He knows that the Lord wants for him to find that peace and happiness that is promised to each of us.

Grandpa was up early Sunday morning to attend his 3 hours of church services less than 20 yards from his front door, then had a wonderful Sunday brunch with Dan.  

Atria has a Veteran's Hall you will need to visit and hunt for one of the frames that will be honoring our dear Father and Grandfather.

Please stop by and visit Grandpa Jim when you are in the area or drop him a card or letter to this address.   10970 South 700 East   Room IL223  Sandy, UT  84070

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my goodness. As I sit here reading this blog, I am so grateful for my brothers and sisters for taking such good care of our Dad! I love all of you sooooo much. Kriss
